Tattoo removal is now more effective than ever before. It’s normal to feel excited and anxious about your first treatment.  It can help to be aware of some things not to do before your laser  tattoo removal treatments.

Do not expose your tattoo to the sun

The most important thing we can tell you is the keep your tattoo out of the sun, preferably for the duration of your treatments.  It might not seem like a big deal but exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can increase the natural production of melanin and vitamin D. Melanin soaks up radiation and causes your skin to tan in the sun. This can also affect the way that your body responds to the light waves that are used lasers.

Staying away from sunlight and UV radiation will help to ensure that your skin is as protective, receptive, and durable as it needs to be for a successful treatment.

Do not get a spray tan or use fake tan lotions

While fake tan obviously doesn’t come with the same UV exposure as actual sunlight, it can affect your tattoo removal, as you could be coming back for multiple sessions when actually only a few are required. If your body has absorbed products containing toxins, it could mean that you have to spend more time, and money than you need to on tattoo removal.

Some fake tans contain products that can have an adverse reaction with laser treatment and create pigmentation in the skin.

Do not come straight from the tattoo studio

Got a tattoo today and don’t like it? Don’t come a rushing in! Exposing your skin to laser removal treatments too soon after tattoo placement can lead to scarring and ink retention. The reason for this is that tattoos are created through a long-term process of ink entrapment and dermis healing. We recommend you wait at least 8 weeks or preferably 3 months to start with laser treatments.

Waiting three months will ensure the ink has settled, and the immune system is back on track.

Do not forget to mention medications you are taking

Some medications may interact negatively with your laser session. Informing your clinician beforehand of the various medications you are taking will help them to decide whether it is safe for you to proceed with laser tattoo removal.

Do not attempt forms of non-laser tattoo removal

Finally, do not try to “speed up” the removal process by turning to other forms of tattoo removal. Most of these options are dangerous and can lead to permanent scarring such as; Dermabrasion, Salabrasion, Acid  and Tattoo removal creams – Finally, people continue to waste their money on the prospect of a pain-free cream that will remove tattoos for them. Though some of these creams can fade a tattoo – they will not be able to access the deeper layers of skin where the ink is stored.

Interested in receiving a quote to start your tattoo removal journey, click here!